Retired piercings: Hip surface piercing (rejected), nipple and industrial.
Body Piercings

a surface piercing in that little sunken area between my collarbones.
Emily's Sternum Piercing. Done at Metamorphosis in Indpls, IN, by Kristen.
button. i'm going to stretch my ears again and get my clavicle pierced
Common Piercings
clavicle dermals
clavicle piercings. Category: Entertainment Length: 00:02:11.500. Tags: clavicle piercings
Surface Piercings
Piercings Shown: Tongue Piercings Not Shown: Clavicle and nipples
Want: Triangle, Tragus, 10mm Lobes, Clavicle Microdermals, Conch, Helix,
Want: Triangle, Tragus, 10mm Lobes, Clavicle Microdermals, Conch, Helix,
I'd say belly button piercing for girls
Fracture of the Collar Bone, or Clavicle. This accident generally occurs
Clavicle dermal anchors
Tags:dermal anchor surface piercing cleavage chest sternum blood bloody
Retired Piercings: Surface hip piercings, left notril, web, clavicles.
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