By using a dermal punch it allows us to go directly to the bottom skin layer
0G Dermal Punch (after)
0G Dermal Punch (before)
These are brand new single use dermal punches, these are made from high
Prepping for dermal punch #2
6mm dermal punch
Tattoo Piercing Dermal Punching Branding
on your face? dermal punches are for ear cartilage and septum piercings.

A single hole is made with a dermal punch or needle to make a little
it's a piercing! it has an anchor under her skin and then just the ball
Tags: dermal punch piercing piercings bodypiercing bodymodification
Dermal Punch 3 450 x 299 pixels (38 KB)
Dermal Punch 1 450 x 299 pixels (40 KB)
This photo also appears in
Micro Dermal DVD Basics-Micro Dermal Punch & Piercing - eBay (item
6mm dermal punch
Tags:Dermal punch piercing 4 g
Shaped Dermal Punches. Filed Under Art, Body Modification on 2007-06-26,
That and I have bugger all flesh on my fingers so a dermal punch woulldn't
8mm dermal punches. 8mm dermal punches
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